Welcome to Sound Collage! 

Explore the sonic environment, record interesting sounds, and see how they become part of a larger composition!


Week 3:

Welcome back to week two of Sound Collage! The project from our second week entitled “Train Drain” can be heard below!

For this week’s project, let’s focus on voice. 

Feel free to record any sound you can make with your mouth. This doesn’t have to be singing (but it can), it could also be talking, whispering, humming or anything else your imagination can allow!

But, you don’t have to feel limited by these ideas, it can really be any voice sound. You can email recordings to me at scott.saleem@jpkidsarts.org.

I look forward to hearing your sounds!

Building community and children’s self-confidence through the arts


Week 2:

Welcome back to week two of Sound Collage! The project from our first week entitled “My Only Hope” can be heard below!

Building community and children’s self-confidence through the arts

For this week’s project, let’s focus on movement/transportation. Some prompts for things to record can include:

  • birds

  • airplanes

  • trains

  • cars

  • bicycles

  • foot-steps

But, you don’t have to feel limited by these ideas, it can really be a sound of anything that moves. The same as last week, you can email recordings to me at scott.saleem@jpkidsarts.org

I look forward to hearing what moves you!

Week 1:

Welcome to Sound Collage! This virtual offering invites you to record sounds from YOUR environment. You don’t need to MAKE the sounds (but, you can if you want to). Think of yourself as a detective, and this week see how many different kinds of sounds you can identify at home. Once you record them (on a phone, tablet or computer), email them to me at scott.saleem@jpkidsarts.org by Friday and I will edit them all together to create our very own work of sound art! Check back next week to hear the finished product!