Session 3 Virtual Showcase!


Tuesday Classes

Molding and Casting with Kara

Lucci, Henry, Elijah, Ezra, Evie, Peter, Azure, Declan, Conor, Lucia, Evelyn, Violet Slattery, Molly, Gemma


Shadow Puppet Theater with Scott

Logan, Aaron, Airlie, Greta Chang, Chester, Kay, Alice, Ellie, Asher, Greta Stroup-Jones, Parker, Milo

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Baking and Poeming with Sam

Reed, Violet Welsh, Theo, Freyja Kuzmickas, Hazel, Simon Menzies, Hugh, Prem, Ruthie, Julius, Helena, Nicky, Wolfy, Soleme, Everly

Hey all! Here is a link to all the awesome recipes we made in class so you can make them at home with your families!


Baking and Poeming Recipes


Transformers with Lara

Sylvia, Joia, Maria, Kellam, Camila, Nico Downing, Alessandra, Devon, Sasha, Colette

Dear Terrific Transformers, 

I have really enjoyed having class with you every Tuesday during Session 3! 

It was so cool to create new stories and characters based on Where The Wild Things Are with you all and watching you transform something old into something new. Stay tuned for more info soon about how your ideas from class will inspire a whole-KidsArts project later on this year!

You might have heard that KidsArts will be doing online classes, videos, and activities while schools are closed. You can find out more on our website.

If you liked the activities we did in class during Transformers, here are some suggestions for similar classes that you might enjoy online:

Digital KidsArts Gazette with Lara (me!) (New videos each Monday. Submit your writing to share all week long!)

Choose Your Own Adventure Story with Matt (Live on Tuesdays at 2pm)

Improv and Storytelling Hangout with Lara  (Live on Wednesdays at 2pm)

KidsArts Comix Press with Tim (New prompts every Friday)

Best wishes, 
